We’re taking back control of our bodies to say enough is enough.
Order the 2025 calendar now
The Let’s Get Explicit calendar features a group of prominent Australians who are using their influence to drive change. They are featured in settings and clothing that make them feel empowered and comfortable - grabbing your attention when Australia needs it most to stop violence against women.
All profits are being donated to the GIVIT Domestic and Family Violence Appeal. GIVIT is an Australian not-for-profit that partners with local organisations to direct funding where it is needed most.
As of November 2024, at least 86 women have been killed by men in Australia this year alone - by partners, friends, colleagues and strangers. It’s time to get explicit.
Campaign founder

Dr. Esmé Louise James (@esme.louisee) is best known for her online series, podcast and 2023 book Kinky History - amassing more than 3.5 million followers across her social media accounts. The series highlights experiences across sexuality, including gender identity and the queer community throughout history - showing that sexuality has always been a part of humanity.
She completed her PhD at the University of Melbourne in 2024, with her thesis focusing on erotic across eighteenth-century literature.
Esmé came up for the idea for Let’s Get Explicit with a friend while watching the Calendar Girls movie, a few days after the Melbourne rally against gender-based violence in April 2024.
Based on a true story, Calendar Girls is a heartwarming movie about a group of women in the UK who banded together to raise funds for cancer research through a nude calendar.
The original calendar girls raised £6 million, and the idea to bring that energy to 2024 Australia was born - raising funds for one of the most prevalent issues in our society.